When will I receive the fees paid by travellers?

Sailsquare collects the fees paid by Travellers on your behalf and pays them to you, minus the cost of the service, on the second working day after the start of the departure. For example, if the departure takes place at the weekend, the payment of the fees will be made on the following Tuesday. 

The payment of the collected fees can only be made once the Interchange System (SdI) has accepted the issuance of the electronic invoice. This timing does not depend on Sailsquare.

Please remember that it is your responsibility to check that your invoicing and payment data are always up to date and correct. You can enter and update your billing and payment details directly in the Provider Area, under the 'Billing Profile' section.

You can autonomously manage your billing and payment data, editing them NO LATER THAN THE DAY THE DEPARTURE STARTED. In case of an emergency and you need to change them AFTER YOUR DEPARTURE, write to our Customer Care no later than the first working day after departure.


  • If you have not completed your bank details in time in the "Billing Profile" section of your Provider Area, we will not be able to pay the fees within the timeframe set out in the General Terms and Conditions.
  • If you have completed incorrect billing data, and as a result the invoice will not be accepted by SdI, the payment of fees may be delayed.
  • If you have completed incorrect payment details (e.g. wrong IBAN code), any additional costs incurred by Sailsquare in resubmitting the dues payment will be deducted from the total amount to be paid.

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